Heard from us?
If you have heard from us it is likely because Credit Corp has acquired your past-due debt from a bank, finance, telecommunications or utility company. This means that you now owe the outstanding balance to Credit Corp.
Falling behind can happen to anyone, and we would like to help you get back on track. We are a leading debt buyer and collector, and we are committed to working flexibly with our customers to help them repay their outstanding balance.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is Credit Corp?
Credit Corp Solutions is a receivables management company that purchases and collects consumer debt including unpaid retail finance and sales finance credit cards and personal loans. We work to provide our customers with sustainable repayment options with the objective of improving our customers’ circumstances.
We purchase delinquent debts from financial services providers. We then work with our customers to recover the outstanding balance by adopting a flexible approach and offering sustainable and tailored repayment plans. Through open and transparent dialogue we agree on flexible plans suited to each customer's individual situation. We have assisted customers in all sorts of financial situations and we understand that you might be experiencing financial difficulties that are too hard to deal with by yourself.
How can I clear my account ASAP?
Log in to your account to view your repayment options. Alternatively, you can contact us by calling (800)-483-2361 or submitting one of our Contact Us forms.
How can I set up a repayment arrangement?
To set up an affordable repayment arrangement, you can log in to your account and choose 'Set up payment plan'. Alternatively, you can contact us by calling (800)-483-2361 to set up a plan and discuss your available options.
Where can I update my personal details?
To update your personal or contact details, you can log in to your account and click on your profile to update it where appropriate.
Alternatively, you can contact us by calling (800)-483-2361.
Where can I update my language preferences?
Credit Corp employs bilingual operators to allow us to better serve our Spanish speaking customers. To speak to a Spanish-speaking operator, simply ask one of our friendly operators, either in English or Spanish.
To nominate your language preference with Credit Corp, you can log into your account and select the Language Preference section.
Alternatively, you can contact us by calling (800)-483-2361.
Due to limited demand, Credit Corp does not currently provide access services in languages other than English and Spanish.
For your convenience, New York City Department of Consumer Affairs provides a translation and description of commonly-used debt collection terms in various languages, which is available on the Department’s website at www.nyc.gov/dca
Credit Corp emplea operadores bilingües para permitirnos servir mejor a nuestros clientes de idioma en Español. Puede comunicarse con nuestro amable personal de chat en Inglés o Español a través de este sitio.
Para elejir su idioma de preferncia con Credit Corp, puede iniciar sesión en su cuenta y seleccionar la elección Preferencia de Idioma.
Alternativamente, puede contactarnos llamando al siguiente numero 800 483 2361.
Debido a la demanda limitada, Credit Corp actualmente no proporciona servicios de acceso a otros idiomas además de Español y Inglés.
Para su comodidad, el Departamento de Asuntos del Consumidor de la Ciudad de Nueva York proporciona una traducción y una descripción de los términos de cobro de deudas comúnmente utilizados en varios idiomas, disponibles en el sitio web del Departamento en www.nyc.gov/dca
What happens if I am unable to pay my debt immediately?
Log in to your account to review some of our flexible options to help you get back on track. Alternatively, you can contact us to discuss a suitable option.
There are many reasons why addressing your overdue account promptly is important. Doing so may save you interest and may positively impact your creditworthiness. It is important that you do your own research with regard to how repayment may impact your current situation.
What is the difference between Credit Corp Solutions, Tasman Credit, Tasman Credit Corp and Credit Corp Collections Agency?
Tasman Credit, Tasman Credit Corp and Credit Corp Collections Agency are trading names of Credit Corp Solutions Inc. View our 'Trading Names' page for more detailed information.
We are here to help!
If you would prefer to speak to an operator, you can reach us at (800)-483-2361 between 6:00am - 7:30pm MST Monday - Thursday and between 6:00am - 6:30pm on Friday.
On behalf of Credit Corp Solutions, stay well and please do not hesitate to contact us where we may be able to assist.

Pay Online
Log in to see your account overview, available offers or propose a payment arrangement.

Call us
Call us at (800)-483-2361 between 6:00am - 7:30pm MST Monday - Thursday and between 6:00am - 6:30pm on Friday.

Other Payment Options
View our many options available here so you can choose the option that’s most convenient to you.
Get back on track without the need to talk to us!
Credit Corp's online portal is designed to let you access important account details, view available offers and you can make a payment, anywhere, anytime without the need to speak to us!
See your available offers
Propose a repayment plan
Make a payment – it’s easy and secure!
View your scheduled payments
Update contact information
View your account balance
Experiencing Financial hardship?
Financial difficulty is not uncommon. We understand that many people face financial challenges for reasons beyond their control. With our years' experience, we take an understanding and flexible approach.
The first step is to raise your difficulties with us. We will then complete a financial assessment by reviewing your income, expenses, other credit accounts, living costs and dependents to work out a way to best help you. Contact us
My rights and responsibilities
As a consumer of credit in the United States of America, you have certain rights. We have provided certain resources below that will help explain the debt collection process and your rights in more detail, and which includes some helpful tips on how to overcome or avoid financial difficulty and address your debts.
Your Feedback Matters
If you have feedback in relation to your experience with Credit Corp – we would like to hear from you.
In the event that we have not met your expectations, please submit a complaint to our friendly dispute resolution team.